Friday, May 1, 2009

A wicked comment about the media

Today is time to bash the stupidity in the media!

News channels like CNN, Fox (yes, I watch it sometimes), MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC.... all of them, all they do is sensationalize the news, make headlines with incomplete truths and offer comments instead of unfiltered and un-bias pieces of information.

Where did the honest and accurate reporting go?

Are Jon Steward and Stephen Colbert the real reporters now? 

I understand that reporters and news channels are owned by big corporations with management and boards that have a need to sell products through advertisers that have a political preference (either liberal or conservative). If that works for them, fine! This is a free country. However, I don't understand why people take this kind of BS in silence. 

I read and listen to both sides of the story all the time. I listen to conservative radio and read conservative news. I listen to NPR and watch CNN and MSNBC. I want to know what everyone has to say and how they report it. Then I make my own opinion about the truth. 

Do you? Does anyone else?

Alright, I may have a lot of time in my hands (not!) or I may just be very cynical (more likely), but that is how I was raised. My parents thought me to be informed and use my own brain to figure out what is real and what is a plain lie or an exaggeration of the truth for the sake of selling air minutes. The latter is what strikes me the most. How can reporters be truthful to themselves when they know that they do not spend enough time on a story but instead they put something on air because they are told to do so or because they know it will sell advertising, capture audiences or give them more time in the air? Think of Dan Rather and his piece about George Bush's military record during the 2004 presidential campaign. That was a moment of stupidity that caused him his credibility. Was it worth it? I'm sure he wished he could turn time to go back and change his mind. Not that he lost his job at CBS or anything but people will not look at him the same way since that flop.

The other interesting thing about the stupidity in the media today is that when there is nothing sensational to report, news shows will blow up other things out of proportion. 

For example: 

Who the heck cares if the CraigList killer is getting married or not? Do you? How does that affect the populous in any way or form? This story is in every news website, just in case you wondered. 

Is the swine flu such a big deal? Are schools closing because it is a dangerous infectious disease or because the news channels are making such a stink that parents are fricking out all over the country? Yes, the CDC called it a pandemic because it is expanding so fast but is it treatable? Yes. Do people really die? Yes, if they are not properly treated. I'm not saying that you can go and kiss or touch someone that has the swine flu, or that you don't have to be careful but from that to panic? You don't need me for that, you have your friendly news casts for it!

I used to laugh when I lived in California and they would suspend a show on regular TV at any point in time because they needed to air a police car pursuit live. There was this reporter, I can't remember his name, that used to comment every twist and every turn as if people couldn't watch it themselves unravel on the small screen. Fascinating (not!).

When I first moved to Texas, I was amazed that there weren't any bad news on TV so some news shows would have "special interest" pieces where they would teach people how to cook the perfect egg! (no, I'm not making this up).

And all of this was going on while brave young americans were fighting the war in Afghanistan or dying in Iraq ... it is sad, very sad.

I have yet to see a news program that actually informs people of what is really going on around the world. For example that the Taliban is taking more control of nuclear-loaded and capable Pakistan ( or that there is a war going on in Sri-Lanka (, or that there are kids still dying every day in Africa or that the number of kidnappings in Argentina has grown to levels such as those in Colombia in the 1990s... 

But why would any corporate giant want to show these news? What can we gain from Sri-Lanka, from Africa, or South America? 

There is no oil to take, no land to exploit, no commercial gain from interfering with those areas of the world.

So, if you want to be informed and know what is going on in your country and around the world. Read newspapers, watch all sorts of news shows, surf the internet, listen to the radio, ... get the information and form your own opinion.  

If you are lazy and want others to tell you what is going on... then stick to your favorite news channel and remain smiling in your bubble because that is where you live "in a bubble that is far apart from reality!" 

Opinionated Out ... 

Monday, April 27, 2009

Birthday Coming Up

Every year around my birthday I get a bit more thoughtful than usual.

This year is all about the things that I would like to do before I die and the things that I would like to do AGAIN before I die.....

Things that I have done and would like to do again (besides the things that I do every day like sex, sleep, eat, laugh, read, ...)

- Sky dive
- Backpack through Europe
- Attend the Paleyfest in LA
- Climb rocks 
- Sail across a wide river
- Drink champagne while watching the sunset over the Colorado river
- Ski in a snow storm
- Go up the Eiffel Tower
- Visit the Louvre
- Ski in Switzerland
- Eat some tapas with sangria in Madrid
- Drive up the "Costa del Sol" in the south of France

Things that I haven't done and would like to do ...

- Get a tattoo
- Go to The Netherlands and Sweden
- Kiss my favorite actor
- Play a part in a movie
- Finish my book
- Buy a place in Paris (and may be even move to Paris or London ...)
- Take a safari in Africa
- Go to Egypt
- Climb the Everest (well, I may be too old for that)
- Fly a plane (as a pilot)
- Take a fly in a balloon

What about you? What is that you would like to do and you haven't been able to?

Opinionated Out

More on Stupidity

I have a final today ... a final presentation for a group project at school. I tell you, I cannot believe how some people go through college and pass their classes! There are some stupid people that make it through school undeservingly. I don't mind doing someone else's job, not if that person is really trying hard to get it, and get it right. In this case, the guy I'm talking about just doesn't care and doesn't get it. No matter how politely his teammates are at letting him know that his comments are unintelligent and shallow, he just doesn't get it! I have little or no tolerance for stupidity when it is uncalled for and in the case of this guy it is very much, indeed.

Have you ever dealt with someone that you rather ignore entirely but you feel like it would be too rude to pretend you are deaf around him or her?

I mean, I'm usually pretty even when it comes to working with people of all levels. I don't care if you are a janitor or a CEO, you are a person and I value your intelligence. You can be a smart janitor and gain more of my respect that an idiot CEO would, and believe me I had a share of both. I believe that everyone is equal. Hey, everyone pees, cries, eats and sleeps.... so why would a CEO be "better" than a janitor? Not in my book, not even if the CEO pees in a gold platted toilet! Not specially that CEO, because he is probably too stupid to realize a toilet is just a toilet. 

Some stupid "famous" people that you may know...

#1 - Our former president. You got to love his incoherent moments! He had all the education, the family money, the experiences, the opportunities ... Yet, he couldn't not be stupid enough.
#2 - Browny - How stupid can you be to take a job that you are completely unqualified for and put thousands of lives in your hands and at risk.. and still pretend to be doing the best you could at your job. No way... that is absolute stupidity.
#3 - Paris Hilton - why now. She is stupid and makes a living out of it. May be we are all wrong and she is not that stupid. Nah, she is completely clueless.... money is not everything you ought to live for. Dignity should be higher in priority.
#4 - Reality TV "so-called" stars - Really? Stars? I'm not sure who is more stupid, the people that play in those shows or the ones that watch them. Come on America, you ought to grow up, TV is entertaining if it is not real, if it is real, it is probably sad!
#5 - Racists - because who told them their race is superior? 

So stupidity is not a disease but rather worse because it can be avoided. 

In my opinion, people choose to be stupid although I fail to understand why. 

Let me know what you think?

Opinionated Out

A wicked moment on a rainy day

I wrote "a wicked moment, not a weak moment" 

Today is all about STUPIDITY.

If I had to describe myself in one sentence I would say that I am a "hot blooded, soft hearted, stubborn, self centered woman". I have inherited that from a combination of Italian, Spanish, and French with a touch of German ... 

You may ask who is suited to deal with me and I may answer "anyone that is intelligent and witty enough to take in a wicked sense of humor and not feel offended by every word they hear or read". 

One thing about me.... don't take me too seriously. 

I'm only serious when I need to be. 

Yes, I have a real life but instead of crying in the corner, feeling miserable about the things I haven't accomplished yet or jealous of those that have more than I do, I enjoy every moment of every day because one day there will not be another moment to enjoy and by then it will be too late!

I woke up this morning with an itch. An itch for mind sharing, for exercising the power of my brain cells and for giving my mouth (or my fingers rather) an opportunity to express myself. 

So I started this blog with the hope that someone out there will be interested in a good honest debate about things that happen in every day life. 

I have only one weakness - much more than I want to admit to anyone - and it is not being shy to express what I think. I leave the revelation of what my weakness is for another time. For now, believe what I tell you. I'm perfect!

Opinionated Out